Orienting the bottom cross of the Rubik's Cube


At this stage, we are going to get those cross cubes so that they are all in their correctly oriented positions. At the end it should look like this:

Starting Point

For this move, we want to orient our Rubik's cube so that the correctly oriented edge is at the top.

To find out if you are going to do this move on the right or the left, have a look at the colour of the correctly oriented edge cube. What is it's opposite colour?

  • Red <-> Orange
  • Blue <-> Green
  • White <-> Yellow

Now see which side of the cube this is at in comparison to the oriented cube. Is it to the left or the right? If it is on the left, you will do this move with your left hand. If it is on the right then you will do this with your right hand.

If you find yourself with two correctly oriented edge pieces, then what you need to do is place the two you need to swap at front and left, then do this with a RIGHT-handed move.

Occasionally you will find that two OPPOSITE pieces are in the correct place. In this instance it does not matter which way you orient the cube or which hand you use, just do the move and then you will have to do it again once more.

Key Movers

This move is rather fun, because you are only really manipulating one row of completed top squares

Image of bottom cross key movers on left for orientation
Image of bottom cross key movers on right for orientation


So now, you will do this either on the left or the right, depending on which side the 'opposite' colour is to the oriented edge.

1) Bring the row of three forward on the side you are doing this manoeuvre

So if the bottom middle cube went right, you need to move the left face.

If the bottom middle cube went left, you need to move the right face.

2 Spin the bottom square towards the side you are NOT manipulating.

If you just moved the left face, spin the bottom right.

If you just moved the right face, spin the bottom left.

3 Replace the two square back up to the top.

4 Spin that bottom layer in the same direction that you moved it in move '2'

5 Bring the top two back toward the front again.

6 Now spin that bottom piece until it makes a row of 3 again. It doesn't matter if you spin it left or right because it will spin 180ยบ.

7 Put the row of 3 back at the top.


This is what it looks like altogether

This is what it looks like altogether, with the key-movers highlighted

« The cross Solve bottom corners »