Solving the bottom corners of the Rubik's cube


In this move we will be solving the bottom corners, but they will not yet be oriented.

Starting Point

The starting point for this move has a pleasing orientation. We have one piece already in the correct place, and then the others have a rotational symmetry.

NB: you can totally learn this with just the preferred hand and ignore the other. It might just mean you have to run the pattern an extra time.

Image of bottom with anticlockwise orientation
Image of bottom with clockwise orientation

Other permutations are:

No top-facing corners or 2 upward facing corners. For this you want to keep a bottom colour square facing the opposite side of the hand you wish to do the pattern for.

If you prefer to do this right-handed, face the top left cube with the bottom colour facing left.

If you prefer to do this left-handed, face the top right cube with the bottom colour facing right.

Key Movers

For this move, we will be focusing on both the left and right faces.

Image of key movers if thumb on left
Image of key movers if thumb on right



1 Put your thumb on the forward-facing corner, and flip the whole cube over so that the layer you are trying to solve is at the botton like for all the other moves.

2 If you have used your left thumb, then start this move on the right, and vice versa.

Bring the row of three forward on the side you are doing this manoeuvre

3 Now spin the bottom cube to the SAME side as the one you have just moved.

If you you moved the right face, spin the bottom towards the right

If you moved the left face, spin the bottom towards the left

4 Now bring the opposite face forward

If you moved the right hand face forwards first, now you will move the left hand face

If you moved the left hand face forwards first, now you will move the right hand face

5 Spin the bottom cube to the SAME side as the one you have just moved. A lovely side effect of this move is that you will now have a column of three on the first side you moved.

If you moved the right hand face forwards in step 4, now you will move the bottom to the right. The left hand squares will be a row of 3.

If you moved the left hand face forwards in step 4, now you will move the bottom to the left. The right hand squares will be a row of 3.

6 Put those 3 back to the top.

7 Make another row of 3 by bringing the bottom one back around.

8 Put that set of 3 back to the top.

9 Turn your cube back over and get the middle pieces matching their faces again.


Here's that all together

Here's that all together with the key movers

« Oriented cross Orient the bottom corners »