Solving the Top layer of the Rubik's cube

Here I will touch briefly on the top layer. Many people can get one layer of at least one colour. What you also need to do is make the edges match the centre peices on the sides, as below.

Because this stage is much more intuitive than the rest, I won't be dedicating much time to all the many different permutations to get to the end point of this particular stage.

What we are aiming for

What we need to achieve at the end of this step is for the top layer to be formed, with all the edges matching the middle cube of the adjacent faces.

Method approaches

There are various ways that people like to approach the solving of the top layer.


Here, you solve for one row of the top layer and then work your way around.


Some to solve the cross first, and then fill out the corners, as it is easier to match where the edge pieces need placing.

Just go for it

Finally, if you want, you can just find a top piece, work out where it needs to go, and place it. I find I make a few mistakes this way so I am less efficient, but this no doubt works for some people.


I am assuming that you are up to the challenge to solve this layer yourself. If this is not the case, please email me, and I will either update this page, or send you individual instructions: Send email

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